Peter Marsh Artist

This is a painting form a long way back in my career. In fact right back to 1970 when I was experimenting with these types of abstract and space themed images.

As president of the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour I was invited to a state dinner at Rideau Hall on Nov. 11th 2009. It was a great privilege and I determined that I would take a painting for Her Excellency the Governor General, Michael Jean, and also a piece for His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales. This piece was given as a gift to the Governor General.

Ray Cattell is a former president of the CSPWC and an elected member of a number of other prominent societies, and has told us on many occassions to "jump into the deep end" with our origianl artwork. A much respected and inspirational figure, this work his dedicated to him and his abstract works of renown. Marsh, Peter, Homage to Ray Catell, 22 X 30, watercolour, October 2001

I will never forget starting this work with the members of the Willowdale Group of artists looking on as I did my demo. I won't forget it because one lady in the audience yelled out, "Hurry up and get it finished!" I thought it was hilarious and horrifying at the same time. Hilarious because who would have the nerve, and horrifying because I wondered if I was also boring the rest of them! Well it took longer than she wanted but it turned out pretty good in the end.

Wow! A really long way back in my creative career as an artist. Actually part of the series of my first really creative works, striking out in a personal direction with my images and my thinking. A very intuitive beginning.