Peter Marsh Artist

A very large acrylic painting that would inspire any cross-country skier to get out their skis and escape into the wild white yonder. Marsh, Peter, Snow Dance, 60 X 80 inches, acrylic on canvas, 2007.jpg

This falls is beside the Marine Railway at Big Chute, in fact this is why the railway is there.

This Lake sits at the juncture of Opeongo Road and Highway 60 in Algonquin Park. One couldn't find a more picturesque place to paint. Acrylic, 30 X 40 inches 2008

Rising early I went down to Cedar lake to watch the mroning mist. Jean Pederson was done there herself collecting her own references for such mystical scene.

A scene from our cottage road about 100 yds from the cottage. The beech trees are very stately in the fall, with just their trunks as silent sentinels. The shadows of their branches cast lyrical shadows.

It becomes apparent that I have enjoyed certain painting spots a great deal and this is another view of the admired MacDonald River.

Marsh, Peter, Prospect Village Seascape, 10.5 X 14.5 inches, watercolour, 2013.

Blue Mountains overlooking Georgian Bay, 22 X 30 inches, watercolour, circa 1990 I think.

Before they widened Hwy 400 this was a beautiful spot. Totally destroyed by the construction of the road.

A bunch of painters went to Lorie's (Hollingworth) place up on Albright Road in Uxbridge. Ton, Maurice, Heidi, Kim, myself and Lorie and her friend 'Cat' I think. 12 X 16, acrylic, Sept 28 2013

Plein air painting. Wedny and I down a road of Tally Ho road, 2013. Cold day but not too bad in the sunshine, and not too far from the cottage. Marsh, Peter, Beaver swamp off the Tally Ho Road, Plein Air, 12 X 16 inches, Acrylic

Wendy and I went out plein air painting in the fall. It was bloody cold to say the least, and our easels caught the wind rushing up from the lake and blew over regularly enough to drive us away to finish our paintings at home.

Acrylic 36 X 48

This painting was my contribution to the CSPWC Diploma Collection housed at the Peel Gallery in Brampton. Everyone elected to the society is asked to donate one painting to this growing national collection. I stood at this huge falls for three days to paint this piece. The sound of the water was very relaxing.

A sopectacular dull day on Sidney Beach with the sea going up and down, and the seawood over everything, and thousands of little pebbles, and very low clouds, and the quiet lapping of the tide.

This is an apt title for a spot that has inspired many paintings. Peter Marsh, Northern Inspiration, Acrylic, 36 X 48 inches, 2007.JPG

If you look carefully you will find the blue birds swooping over this rushing water at the Ahmic Rapids, far out along Hwy 124. Ahmic Rapids, 22X 30, watercolour, 1987

Sometimes one is inspired by the work of others and in this case it was a painting by Jack Reid at my wife's school. I reframed it because it was falling to bits, and then I was inspired to try something like it myself. Jack wins!

We painted for a day at Skagway in 2012 before catching the ferry going down the Marine Highway to Juneau and beyond. The garden full of poppies and the contrast of the hills in the background attracted me to the painting spot. It is hard to do justice to such a remarkable spot. We stayed at the Inn overnight. Historic Skagway Inn 2011.jpg

Rememebnring my french from high school days I was able to ask this farmer if we could paint in his fields. We were on our honeymoon in France, and were staying at a cokoo clock villa down the hill a ways.

Painted on the far end of the bay from Arnie's house.

Plein air of Long Beach, BC 7 X 10 inches

On the way to Juneau, 2012, watercolour, painted on board if I remember correctly, on the marine highway. A small birth but lots of room around the ship to enjoy the fabulous scenery.

We took our small 17' boat a long way out into Gerogian Bay but once we reached the last islands it didn't take more than a few minutes to decide to go straight back. Past the islands the waves get pretty big! 10.75 X 13.75 inches